Let’s be real with one another for a second, not all services are created equal. When it comes to SEO services, some agencies delivering SEO in Perth provide bandaid services, and others provide full-blown reconstructive surgery (like us). Now let us be very clear here, if all you need is a temporary solution for a minor problem, then a bandaid service should do the job. But the cold hard truth is that there isn’t really an effective bandaid solution for SEO. There are a lot of new services popping up in the marketing industry lately, and it might have a few of our clients like yourself wondering why they need to invest in monthly SEO services when John Doe down the road is offering a one-off SEO service to theoretically do the same thing. It’s a valid question, the answer is that ongoing SEO is the superior service, it’s the full-blown reconstructive surgery your site needs to start ranking. In marketing heaven, there’s a place where a one-off SEO service exists. It’s really easy up there, all you need to do is define your keywords for each page, create content for each keyword, and build your site on an SEO friendly CMS (Content Management System), then sit back and watch your pages start ranking. But down here, in the realm of the mortals, your website’s SEO requires an evolving strategy and consistent upkeep. Search Engine Ranking is a very grey area for many people, so it’s not surprising to hear of so many business owners getting tripped up by the ever enticing sound of one-off marketing. So let us explain to you exactly why we insist on only providing ongoing SEO services here in Perth.
Not sporadically, not a couple of times a year, but every single day. That is the number one reason why ongoing SEO services are so crucial to your ranking success. Every day Google is creating new, more advanced changes in efforts to create the ultimate user experience for their searchers. These changes have the potential to negatively affect your site without warning. But when you invest in ongoing SEO, you’re paying for a team of highly skilled SEO ninjas to combat the potentially damaging change by learning exactly what Google’s new algorithm desires. Once they’ve understood the algorithm, they get to work effectively optimising your site to maintain ranking stability.
Google has a relentless appetite for content. Not just any content, Google wants new, relevant, keyword optimised content. Google’s algorithms have a particular preference for sites that contain a healthy mixture of new, original and updated material which feeds its searchers the correct information. The best way to take advantage of this obvious preference is to cater to it. At Dilate Digital we have a massive focus on keyword optimised blogs. Allowing you to ensure you’re continuously optimising your website for your most important keywords.
One of the most important ranking factors for SEO is the link building strategy you implement. This is also only available through an ongoing SEO service as it requires new links to be built and backlinked to your site day after day, month after month. This lets Google know that your website is not only genuine but also that it’s relevant because other websites are linking to you. Think of link building like promotion, and the websites the links are coming from as ambassadors. You’re more likely to trust in a company when you see a large number of qualified ambassadors consistently promoting it, aren’t you? Well, Google is no different. It’s all about trust building, the more trusted websites your site is linking from, the better Google will rank you.
Honestly, this is a real SEO killer for many businesses who opt to save a penny by attempting to do their SEO in-house. SEO isn’t a simple job, it requires teams of people, working on different aspects of your website's SEO to continuously maintain or improve your search engine ranking. For every SEO client we onboard, we have a team of 3-4 experts working on a different aspect of your SEO strategy, not including the account manager that facilitates the entire strategy. You could be given all the SEO ranking tactics in the world, but without the time, support and practical know-how, it usually takes businesses 4x the amount of time to achieve half the results. So if efficiency in time and money is something you value, perhaps looking at a monthly SEO service is exactly what you need.
If you’ve paid any attention to the online realm lately you’d notice just how many new tech businesses are being created every month. Every so often, one of these catch wind and internet users begin flocking in to adopt these new social platforms. What we’re saying is that regular search patterns don’t stick around, they’re constantly changing, and users are using different terms and platforms to discover your business every day. We’re able to stay ahead by constantly evaluating user behaviour, and potential trends on your site, and then ensure our SEO strategy is in alignment with user behaviour. Without ongoing monthly monitoring, this SEO strategy isn’t possible. Now, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The fact is that SEO IS ongoing, it is an evolving strategy. When you stop investing in an SEO service, you stop ranking for your most important keywords. Simple. We’ve seen countless times the negative ranking effects of clients underestimating how important our SEO services are, only to pause it and bare the consequences of losing their hard-earned ranking position in a matter of weeks. We’re SEO experts with the skills, know-how, and resources to develop and implement the most current, complex and effective SEO services in Perth. So if, after reading this, you still want to try your luck with John Doe’s one-off SEO service down the road, be our guest. But if you want a sustainable, long term strategy that’ll earn you better rankings, increased traffic, and a damn good ROI, we offer ongoing SEO services in Perth and we’ve got an SEO strategy waiting just for you.
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Bodie provides some insight into Dilate's internal operations. How we approach what we do, and how we strive to be Better Everyday.