Website Design And Development 101: The Features Of A Good Business Website

Bodie Czeladka
By Bodie Czeladka

So, you’ve decided that it’s time to overhaul your existing website or you need a new website built from scratch. Although you might want the whole thing up and running as soon as possible, it’s important that you don’t rush the design and development stage of your website – after all, you don’t want to have website regret! Let’s take a look at some of the features you should include in your business website so you (and your users!) are happy.

Easy navigation

Don’t just focus on the look of your website – it also needs to be functional and easy to navigate. Provide a clear navigation menu which makes it clear where users need to go. Don’t try to be too clever with your layout or you risk confusing your customers. Before your website goes live, make sure you ask a few people to have a click through the site to confirm that it’s intuitive and easy to use.

Fast load times

People these days don’t like to wait around and no matter how awesome your website is, they’re not going to wait around for your slow load times. Make sure you choose a website hosting provider who can provide fast load times so your website is up and running instantly. Also, avoid unnecessary videos and other media – they often don’t add much and slow down your load times.

Mobile friendly

With the amount of time you (like everyone else) probably spend on your mobile devices, it should go without saying that your website MUST be mobile friendly. Users now expect the same experience on their mobile devices as they get on a computer when they visit your website and you shouldn’t disappoint. You don’t need to create a separate mobile website, just make sure that your website is responsive for mobile devices.

Integrated social media

If you’re not tapped into social media, you’re missing out on a massive source of potential customers. Include social media share buttons on your website to make it easy for users to share your content or contact details across social media platforms. Don’t miss out on opportunities to have your business to increase its visibility across multiple platforms.

Clear contact info

You probably have a completely legitimate, trustworthy business but users are going to be instantly suspicious if they can’t easily find your contact information. It might seem simple but good contact info is often overlooked. Make sure that your business address, directions and contact details are easy to spot and that your website offers multiple ways that customers can contact the business, such as online enquiry forms.

For website design Perth, Dilate Digital know what we’re doing. All of our websites are responsive, easy to navigate, mobile friendly and use the latest digital technology. Our team of website designers in Perth will create an awesome online experience which will reflect the unique personality of your business.

If you’re looking for kickass web development in Perth, contact Dilate Digital today on .

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