4 Tips For Great Pics On Social Media, Using Just Your Phone!

Bodie Czeladka
By Bodie Czeladka

The surging popularity of social media has changed the landscape for human interaction, and how we share ideas, but our primary method of communication is still rooted in cave drawings- and now, photographs. The entry level for taking good quality pictures until recently was very high. It’s still easy to spend thousands of dollars on a high quality DSLR camera, but this is not essential -most of us now carry some kind of mobile device, and the majority of them have a serviceable camera. Some newer models such as the iPhone 6, LG G4 and Samsung Galaxy S6 have amazing still, and 4k video cameras, that are capable of up to 12Mp, and many prominent YouTubers and other social media personalities make use of these devices in their business every single day. So if you’re ready to get started, we’ve compiled our top four tips and tricks for taking the best photos on your phone, right here.

1. Don’t Overuse the Zoom

Many people are tempted to zoom in from a distance in order to get the shot they want. Barring extraordinary circumstances, such as photographing a dangerous animal or a boat out at sea, it always better to get closer to the subject rather than zero in with your camera, as the quality of the image may be affected and you may end up with a pixelated or poorly focused image. But don’t worry if it isn’t completely perfect, there are plenty of editing tools to fix it up later!

2. Use Focus and Negative Space

The best photos are arguably of a single subject, and the composition is easier to get right. Try and put some time aside to set up the photo and focus accordingly, and we would recommend getting plenty of shots -you can always delete the ones you don’t want, and sometimes the smallest adjustment in angle can make all the difference. Don’t be afraid to use negative space, the space around and between the subjects, as it can be incredibly powerful if used correctly. It will allow your subjects stand out, or to emphasize space and size.

3. Gridlines are Your Friend

Most mobile device cameras have a setting allowing you to turn on gridlines to set up your shots, which are superimposed lines following the “rule of thirds” -when an image is horizontally and vertically broken down into thirds, and there is a grid of nine squares. The rule of thirds follows that by placing interesting points at the intersections and lines, you are making the image easier to comprehend and natural to the eye. Look at any powerful image, and you will start to notice the rule of thirds being used!

4. Embrace Symmetry

It is hard to explain why symmetry makes a photo more pleasing, but creating a sense of balance in your shots, will make your photos more pleasant to look at. One simple way to do this is to imagine a mirror image of your subject, so that you have two images and then align them to get a balanced shot. This is another time when the use of gridlines can come in handy!

If you would like to know more about marketing your business online, contact us. Your social media photos are just the tip of the iceberg, wait until you see the rest of what Dilate can do!

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