7 Great Ideas to Grow Your Subscriber List

Bodie Czeladka
By Bodie Czeladka

Most entrepreneurs and business owners appreciate the value of marketing to an email subscription list. However, when you have a very modest list, your conversion rate may not be immediately apparent. Growing your subscriber list is the best way to determine the success of any marketing ideas. So, how do you expand your subscriber list? Here are seven great ideas to get you started.

Offer Access to a Webinar 

Webinars have quickly been established as one of the best ways to generate new leads. While webinars take quite a lot of effort in planning, they can offer some phenomenal results. If you don’t yet have a product to sell, you may be wasting your time but if your product is priced at over $500, this could be the best strategy.

Drip Feed a Mini Course

Creating a drip feed email course can be challenging to get right since they don’t provide instant results. However, there are plenty of examples of successes. If you are trying to sell a product or service, you will need to leverage open loops creating a story that begins in one email and features or ends in another.

Inject Your Personality

If there is one thing that social media marketing has taught us is that people respond to personality. Readers are not only there to be educated; they want to make a connection with you. While it is important that you provide value to your readers, personal stories are more likely to help you connect and encourage the reader to stay around. This will prompt them to subscribe and learn more.

Develop a Video Mini Course

Unlike a drip feed email campaign, a video mini course is simply a series of videos. It is up to you whether you deliver it in one go or spread out the lessons. The quality level is also up to you. Many successful information marketers have leveraged a video mini course as a core element of their product launch. For example, you could create a series of three videos leading up to an official launch.

Create a How To Video

If you don’t have the content or energy for a whole course, you could create one how to video. You will need to use screen recording software to teach your audience how to solve a relevant problem or accomplish a task. Make this video private on Vimeo or YouTube and create a Wordpress protected page.

Offer an E-Book or Report

There are some fantastic examples of free e-books and reports offered to email subscribers. It is a good idea to offer a highly relevant e-book which tells the reader how to solve a particular problem. This can be promoted on the landing page, and the content can depend on your audience preferences and your own objectives. You may wish to consider calling it a featured download rather than a free e-book, as many people consider the concept of e-books with negative connotations.

Provide a Coupon:

One of the best strategies for generating leads is by providing a coupon. If you are planning on making a significant purchase, even a ten percent coupon can be a great incentive to provide your email address.

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