How To Optimise CTAs With Your eCommerce Website Design

Bodie Czeladka
By Bodie Czeladka

There are so many factors which contribute to a successful eCommerce website and one of the most essential but frequently overlooked aspects of your site is your call to action (CTA). Think about it – without a CTA, visitors don’t know what you actually want them to do! A good CTA will clearly show things like where to click, what products to buy and what action a visitor should take.

eCommerce Website Design

Ready to take advantage of some awesome ideas to help you boost the effectiveness of your CTAs? Let’s go!

About the button

When it comes to your main CTA, a clickable button is the way to go because it stands out from the rest of the content. Opt for a contrasting colour so visitors spot it as soon as they land on your page but don’t make it obnoxiously big – it needs to still look like it fits with your website. Always include your CTA above the fold because a lot of people simply don’t have the patience to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to find out what they should do next. Your button is the first thing that grabs visitors so make it good!

Be brief

When you’re developing your CTAs, it’s not the time to get wordy. Keep them short and sharp so users can see exactly what they need to do. Always include a verb as it gives users a sense of what action they should take – words like Get, Start, Begin, Discover, Join, Click and Buy can all be used to great effect depending on your business. As a bonus tip, don’t include multiple CTAs on one page. Keep it simple so visitors don’t get overwhelmed.

Attract subscribers

Although the ultimate goal with your eCommerce websites is to have visitors purchase your product or service, the reality is that many people will just be browsing without the intention purchasing. However, you can still capture these people by enticing them to complete another action. With that in mind, make sure you include a clear CTA for your email newsletter sign up – consider adding in a little incentive such as a discount off their next purchase to get people clicking.

Test different CTAs

What works for one eCommerce website may not work for yours and what worked a few months ago may not be working now. With that in mind, make sure you split test different CTAs so you’re continually making adjustments to improve your conversions. If you’re already getting good results, remember that the changes don’t have to be big – slight adjustments in the colour, button size and placement, and wording could make all the difference.

If you’re ready to supercharge your eCommerce website, the team at Dilate are here to help. We’ll develop a website for your business which is engaging and easy to use using the most stable eCommerce platforms. Call us today to get those conversions happening!

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