Is Google AdWords Right For Your Business?

Bodie Czeladka
By Bodie Czeladka

In the digital age there are many new ways for businesses to effectively advertise to their target market, yet probably the most direct and effective is Paid Advertising. You may have heard of Paid Advertising referred to sometimes as PPC (pay-per-click) marketing, SEM (search engine marketing), or CPC (cost per click) marketing, and its most popular form would arguably be Google AdWords with over 75% of the search share market conquered. Sounds complicated, but really the process is simple. Firstly, people use keywords to search for specific services or products they are after, and if those keywords match the chosen keywords of your paid ad, it’ll appear next to or above organic Google search results. This helps to increase the chance of traffic being directed to your website by guaranteeing you a spot at the top of the search results page. Which is a massive boost when you consider the statistics that most users don’t look at more than the first 5 listings on a search engine results page (SERP). So, with all that in mind let’s look at some of the pros and cons of using Google AdWords to help you determine whether this is the right advertising channel for your business. The Pro’s:  Ability to directly target your relevant market   By using specific keywords for your ads related to your business, people searching for your service or product already have intent to purchase. This means there is a higher chance of converting when they reach your website. You can also target by location which is a bonus for local businesses. Ability to measure and track your data  Your marketing is only as successful as your tracking and measuring. With Google AdWords, you can measure every element of your marketing campaign. You’ll know exactly how much you’re spending, how effective the effort is, and what your return on investment is. This can make it easy for you to determine whether this form of advertising is working for your business. It’s quicker than old-fashion SEO SEO techniques can take months to implement with changing titles, headings and meta tags. Google AdWords is a sure-fire way to speedily direct traffic to your website and business. The Con:  The one major con is very simply, there is no shortcut to becoming an expert at Google AdWords. It’s complex system that requires trial and error as well as experience. As good as it is, sometimes you don’t have the time to spend or you don’t have the large budgets to allow for error. If you don’t know how to select your keywords of budget your campaigns, you can end up spending more than you make, and the potential to lose money when you are unsure of what you are doing is high. To summarise, Google AdWords is a powerful tool to increase traffic to your website and get your product or service out there. However, with its complicated system, you may consider working with a digital marketing agency or an expert in creating effective and cost-friendly Google AdWords campaigns. The team at Dilate Digital is just a call away to talk to a Google AdWords specialist, all account managers are certified Google AdWords experts. Give us a buzz on to get your campaign started today.

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