Why Trust Signals Matter with your eCommerce Website Design

Bodie Czeladka
By Bodie Czeladka

People are increasingly turning to the convenience of online shopping and who can blame them – it’s so much more convenient to shop when you don’t have to change out of your pyjamas. This is awesome news if you have an eCommerce store but as the industry grows, it also means that there’s an increasing amount of competition. To make sure users don’t click off your store, you need to prove that you’re a trustworthy website and that’s where trust signals come in.

What are trust signals?

If customers don’t trust you, they’re not going to buy from you. That makes sense but how do you get users to trust your website enough to complete a transaction? Well, that’s where trust signals come in. Trust signals are visual cues that you insert into your eCommerce website to give users the confidence to proceed with their transaction. Adding in these trust signals is a surprisingly effective way of assuring users that your website is legitimate and safe.

Although many people shop on the internet regularly, they’re still understandably wary about giving over personal information. With so many online stores available, if a user doesn’t feel confident with the security of your website then it’s all too easy to click out and go to a competitor. As a business with an eCommerce store, it’s important to remember that even if you have the most secure website imaginable, your customers won’t know that it’s ok to proceed unless you make it very clear with trust signals.

Which trust signals should I include?

  • Review and testimonials – Never underestimate the power of customer testimonials and reviews to offer peace of mind. Users are much more likely to trust the word of other customers who have purchased items from your online store so make sure you include a number of testimonials and reviews throughout your website.
  • Clear business information – When a user is ready to take the plunge and make a purchase, they want assurances that they can contact your business if there are issues. Clearly establish your businesses identity with clear contact details including phone, email and online enquiry form. Social media plugins are also essential so potential customers can see you have a presence over a number of platforms.
  • Guarantee badges –Guarantee trust signals are very common and consist of the little badges you often see at the bottom of eCommerce websites. Guarantee badges such as money back guarantee or 100% satisfaction guarantee mean that a user feel confident that if they have an issue with the product, you’ll do something about it.
  • Security assurances –We can all feel a bit nervous giving out our credit card details online so security and payment assurances can go a long way. SSL certificate badges, security emblems, payment and shipping methods should all be clearly displayed on the website.


Dilate Digital are eCommerce providers who use our awesome skills to develop a user-friendly and attractive website for your business. No matter the size of your business, we can do the time consuming stuff for you so you can focus on selling your products. Let’s get started!

For eCommerce website development Perth, contact the team at Dilate Digital today on .

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