Aimee Robinson

Aimee Robinson

Senior Digital Strategist

Hey there - I’m Aimee! You can call me Aims but the kids will often call me Rapunzel. I’m a long-haired lover of all things travel, adventure, food and digital marketing.

I’ve always been a part of small businesses since I was a kid (thanks Mum & Dad), which is probably why studying a Bachelor of Commerce at Curtin was a no-brainer for me!

I’m driven by this insane, constantly changing digital industry that I am so lucky to live and breathe every day. I love to learn but nothing makes me feel more fulfilled than helping small businesses achieve their goals.

I truly believe that my clients are amongst some of the best in the business and I couldn’t be happier coming to work everyday, knowing that I am helping these legends achieve their goals.

I’m a big-picture kinda gal who really focuses on holistic, long-term strategies that I know will make a real impact on businesses. I don’t get distracted by the fluff and I’ll always make sure that my energy is focused on tangible outcomes.

Aside from that, I have a very big passion for training, upskilling and uplifting my team. They are the most wonderful humans you’ll ever meet and I am determined to see every single one of them reach their full potential. That’s a big part of the reason why my face is on this blog right here!

On the weekends, if the sun is shining you will most definitely find me at the beach (the pale girl with the sunburn - that’s me!).

That’s pretty much me in a nutshell! Thanks for coming along for the ride.

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