What 2017 PPC Marketing Trends Have In Store For You

Bodie Czeladka
By Bodie Czeladka

With 2017 leering around the corner like someone about to mug you, we’re busy decoding everything we’ll need for our digital self-defence. Our Adwords management services and pay per click marketing, will have to be ready for the new trends and surges that are sneaking up by the day. Read up on what 2017 may bring your PPC marketing so you can prepare the perfect strategy for record-breaking conversions. Image Courtesy : https://www.shawacademy.com/blog/7-common-ppc-mistakes-marketers-make/

Remarketing Is On The Rise:

If you’ve got viewers leaving your website and never returning, then you’ll need to jump on the remarketing trend - and it is set to continue to rise. Ensure that your brand is being advertised to those who have already displayed an interest, and save your audience from advertising that is irrelevant or useless to them. Whether it’s to close a sale or to build familiarity, remarketing is a going to develop further in 2017. We suggest learning it inside and out so you have less to catch up on when it takes off.

Lookalike Audiences:

Lookalike audiences are about to burst onto centre stage. Using the data of your previous audience, from people who liked your page to website visitors, you can create a lookalike audience database. This is a great way to tap into the wider audiences that would love your brand if they had the chance to interact with it, and to develop a connection.

Live Data Updates In Advertising:

We’ve caught word of the latest updates that allow advertisements to display live data, which informs your audience of the most current details of the product or offer. Think availability, shipping, and any other variable that could affect how your audience converts.

Interesting Bites From PPC In 2016

Only 21% of survey respondents, as reported in the State of PPC Report, said that display advertising was effective this year. While we know the power of the written word is mighty, we were rather taken aback that display advertising had such low regard. CPC’s, or cost per clicks, have been able to remain fairly constant, but conversions have risen. This is valuable to be aware of when you are evaluating your PPC marketing campaign. Many businesses will be taking this time to assess their PPC campaigns of 2016 and assemble the strategies that will take them through 2017. If you are one of these businesses, great news! We can help you to develop your most powerful and results-driven strategy yet. If you’re not one of those businesses, great news! We can show you how PPC campaigns can open up an entirely new stream of traffic with tangible conversions, and it’s all ripe for the picking. Dilate Digital is a Perth digital marketing agency, with our finger on the pulse and our eyes on the prize.

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