Conversion Rates Flatlining? Resuscitate Your PPC Campaign With These Easy Techniques

Bodie Czeladka
By Bodie Czeladka

Is your conversion rate slowing down? Was it never that great to begin with? Or, are you completely unaware of your current conversion rate? Too many business owners simply don’t know how to approach their PPC advertising, or have the time to be constantly monitoring and assessing their conversions- so if any of the above statements relate to you and then we need to defib your PPC campaign, stat. Many of these PPC first-aid tips can be implemented directly into the campaign, without going too far into search engine optimisation, but when they are accompanied by powerful SEO strategies, you will be amazed at the results.

The Buyer, and Their Journey

if you’re going to entice your viewer into engaging with your brand, you need to understand them and their wants and needs. You should have a clear buyer persona, which you use to outline any of your advertising efforts. These are generalised fictional personalities who represent your target market, and can be comprised of understanding the goals, challenges, priorities, and demographics of your buyers, as well as how you fit into their wants or needs. This will prove to be an invaluable tool for your PPC Adwords.

Refine Your Approach with Reverse Engineering

When you begin your campaign, first decide what it is that you want. Do you simply want a boost in web traffic? Or do you want traffic which is most likely to convert into sales? Consider your end goal, and work your PPC campaign to facilitate that. While a campaign ad may seem to be effective if your web traffic is up 400%, if you need them to convert to sales but you haven’t correctly planned how to get there, you may not be able to complete the conversions. Start with your clear goal about what you want your buyer to do, and work it backwards into your PPC advertising with effective keywords and copy, and a great call-to-action. But, no matter what, there is usually two main pillars which will hold up your Adwords.

  • Increasing the conversion rate
  • Reducing the CPC (cost per conversion)

 If you’re an e-commerce based company, don’t be fooled into thinking that sales are your only metric; why not look at tracking email sign-ups, downloads, shares, and internet user engagement on various web pages? There’s a multitude of paths which your customer might take towards making a purchase or commitment to your brand, so take some time to identify and observe these.

Location, Location, Location

If your advertising across a huge scope of geography, such as the entirety of Australia, you’ll probably have some areas that are poorly converting- and costing you money in bids. This can be revealed in a comprehensive list under the Dimensions> View Geographic options. From here, you can quickly adjust whether you want your ads to be displayed across a variety of specific locations, or lower your bid to reflect the ROI. While this is a hugely effective tool, there are plenty of other ways to refine your campaign structure- from age to gender, and many other demographics, there are many ways that Google Adwords allows you to develop and streamline your campaign to your buyer persona.

Optimise Your Conversion Rates with Remarketing

Remarketing is a fantastic way to remind potential or indecisive visitors about your site, and your products or services. After all, with nearly 70% of online shoppers abandoning their shopping cart, there’s plenty of interest in more online purchasing, even though many marketers from across PPC campaign networks have never considered using remarketing when considering their conversion rates. When you utilise remarketing, you’re displaying the same ads to the viewer who had previously viewed it, and encourage a further connection with your product, and making it more likely that they’ll convert to a sale, and this form of marketing allows you to be more aggressive with your advertising, as the viewer has already expressed an interest or desire for your brand.

Let Your Landing Page Shine

Many people might advise you to link your Adwords PPC campaign to your websites homepage, but this actually might not be a good idea. After all, your ad was displayed there to respond to a person's specific search query, so the page they’re led to needs to follow that with the appropriate offers and promotions. You can also use split testing to see how your target audience responds to varying alterations in your message. By adjusting aspects including tone, format, and colours, you will gain a clearer understanding of your audience, and any measurable data will be helpful when designing future campaigns.

Integrate Negative Keywords

Just like there are certain keywords which you will aim to target, there will be keywords which you may want to be flagged and avoided. Negative keywords are the phrases which would exclude your ad from being displayed in a search result, which means that you’re not trying to sell ‘comfortable alpaca wool socks’ to someone searching ‘free comfortable alpaca wool socks’- they obviously aren’t prepared to pay for your craftsmanship, so Adwords will automatically avoid displaying your ad.

Negative keywords can benefit you by:

  • Increasing your click-through rate by narrowing down your market
  • Reduce your cost-per-click

Dramatically improve your returns on investment

Stand Out From The Pack

This is one of the easiest ways you can start to encourage visitors, and it’s simply by taking a new, fresh edge to your niche market, and attracting your audience's attention. Your PPC campaign structure is a great place to exercise some personal flair or creativity- people want to do business with other people, not necessarily big corporations. Use this initial contact to elicit an emotional response, which compliment your USP. Identify the trigger that would work best in your market (humour, pleasure, pain, fear), and develop an ad copy which would reflect that.

PPC marketing is a fantastic tool to help the your customers find you, and for you to find potential customers. While Adwords can be daunting, or difficult to maintain, the results can be huge- if you can do it correctly. Businesses make, on average, $2 for every $1 spent on Google Adwords, so if you want to join them, call us at Dilate Digital. We’re an Aussie owned digital marketing and SEO services agency, with expertise in all areas of web design and marketing. Don’t believe us? Call our team, and ask about our free business consultations, where we talk you through your businesses ideal web practises, obligation-free.

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