Proven Marketing Strategies for the Health Care Industry

Proven Marketing Strategies for the Health Care Industry

John Reserva
By John Reserva

Healthcare Marketing


Clients Logos







Are you on Google when you search? Need new patients for your clinic?

If you can’t find yourself on Google when you search for your clinic or your service, new customers can’t find you either.  The truth is digital marketing for fitness centres, cosmetic clinics and medical specialists really matters. The competition is fierce. You’ve got to know how to stand out and attract more high quality leads to your business. The good news is digital marketing can be highly effective for the healthcare industry. As a leading healthcare marketing agency in Australia, we’ve worked closely with many healthcare businesses and seen impressive results.  Do you want to:

  • Promote new services?
  • Get a regular flow of patients through your door?
  • Gain new customers in your local area?

Our digital marketing services are designed to build your business’ online authority and increase your visibility. The cool thing is improving your digital marketing tends to boost word of mouth referrals too.

Abiding With APHRA Regulations

Navigating the online world can be a challenge for any business but healthcare providers have it particularly tough when it comes to regulations and rules around how they can advertise online.  At Dilate, we know the importance of maintaining industry authority and credibility online. Whether you’re a chiropractor, cosmetic surgeon or dietician – we carefully ensure that all your ads are Ahpra compliant. We will also ask you for final approval on all adverts before they are launched online.

Reaching Local Clients With Google My Business

Healthcare providers like dentists, physiotherapists and exercise therapists provide highly localised services. The majority of patients come from the local area, so it makes sense to focus on marketing strategies that pull in more local customers. How do you reach local clients who are searching for the types of services you offer like 'Disability Service in Henderson WA' or 'Skin Rejuvenation Treatment in Fremantle'? Google My Business! It’s a business profile where you can manage information about your practice or clinic. Once you have optimised your GMB profile, local patients will be able to find you in their Google search results, including on Google Maps.  Some things you can do with GMB include: 

  • Adding information about the health services you offer such as ‘emergency dental’, ‘dental implants’ and ‘Invisalign’
  • Providing contact details and opening hours
  • Posting high quality photographs of your services and clinic
  • Adding links for patients to book your services online

Developing Clear Branding for Your Organisation

Branding may not have played an important role in marketing for medical specialists and healthcare providers in the past. But today it does.  Branding matters because there is a high level of competition nowadays. Customers aren’t just going to their provider down the road. They’re searching online and hunting around for a healthcare provider they can trust. Branding is all about developing a clear identity for your business. It helps you stand out from your competition and connect with prospective patients in a meaningful way. Although your logo and visual identity is important, branding is much more than what you look like. It’s also:

  • how you speak (tone and voice)
  • what you say (content)
  • how you position yourself in the market
  • the overall experience someone has when they engage with your business

Optimising Your Website For User Experience

Your website matters. It’s often the first impression someone has of your clinic and it can make or break your ability to convert customers.  For example, if you run a cosmetic healthcare clinic it’s essential to invest in high quality photography that shows how you make your patients look amazing! If you can make your patients look good, your website will land better with potential clients. It shows you can walk the talk. The biggest advice we can give as a web-design agency is to build your website with the user at the centre. User Experience is all about making your website users feel comfortable, at ease and looked after while they’re on your website. Leave them feeling great and that’s a win for your business.  How do you build a website to improve user experience?

  • Prioritise load speed - if your website takes too long to load, you’ll lose customers left, right and centre.
  • Make navigation simple - users should be able to find their way around your website quickly and easily.
  • Clear information - use visuals to communicate data effectively, make your language accessible and break up content into bite-sized pieces.
  • Efficient booking systems - for healthcare providers that offer a booking service, it’s important that it runs quickly and smoothly from the user’s point of view.

Attracting the Right Audience With Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads allow you to promote your business locally to the right target audience. It’s all about getting your services in front of people who need them. What are your goals?

  • Do you want to spread awareness of your clinic or create a buzz about your practice?
  • Do you want potential patients to know who you are so that they start researching your clinic?
  • Do you want to inspire interested customers to schedule an appointment with you?

Whatever your objectives are, we can help you craft persuasive Facebook Ads that are highly targeted. We use effective targeting strategies to make sure your ads are shown to a high quality audience so you can achieve your goals. We use split testing and powerful data tracking to make sure your ads are performing well and getting the job done.

Engaging Clients With Powerful Video Advertising

Before a customer decides to invest in your services, you need to foster trust with them. Part of that is showing them what to expect when they walk into the doors of your clinic. If they know what to expect, the less risk they have to take when they book an appointment with you. Videos are a powerful medium which can show prospective patients what it’s like to visit your clinic or undergo a treatment. Through high quality visuals and audio, you can invite patients to connect with your business and feel confident about booking an appointment with you. At Dilate, we’ve seen the power of video to increase loyalty and attract new customers in the healthcare industry. We can help you create video ad campaigns that engage your audience and boost your reputation.

Improving Your Online Reputation

Having a good reputation online and offline is essential for dental clinics, plastic surgeons, personal trainers and other healthcare providers. When patients trust you to deliver high quality, valuable services you’ll not only retain existing customers but also attract new ones. Online reputation management is an important aspect of any healthcare marketing strategy. It involves monitoring and protecting your public image across the internet. This could include strategies such as:

  • Collecting positive reviews and testimonials
  • Responding to negative customer feedback appropriately
  • Monitoring what shows up on the first pages of Google for your company – i.e. making sure it’s positive
  • Owning up to mistakes and releasing media statements when necessary

Our Process

  1. We first get to understand your medical services and products thoroughly.
  2. Our team of digital marketing experts formulate a plan to help you meet your business goals. 
  3. We showcase your services to your target audience using a range of proven digital marketing campaigns including Google My Business and Facebook Ads.
  4. We monitor the health of your campaigns and make sure you stay on track for a compelling future.

The Result = Wider Presence, Better Branding, More Patients. We get you new patients by acquiring high quality leads to your contact forms, booking forms or phone bookings. These bookings are then measured in your website through our web trackers. That means you can gain real-time information about your campaigns at any time. At Dilate, we’re a Perth based SEO agency and PPC agency that’s committed to transparency 24/7 for all our campaigns. Ready to get started? Let’s chat.

How is healthcare marketing different from traditional marketing?

At Dilate, we’re pretty big on tailored marketing that’s designed for your business and the unique climate of your industry. Applying strategies that work well for the construction industry or an eCommerce store isn’t going to get you the results you’re looking for.  So what makes marketing for healthcare services and medical specialists unique? 

  • Service based - Marketing for cosmetic clinics, fitness centres and other healthcare providers requires a different approach because you are selling services rather than products. One difference is the focus on your team’s ability to do the job well and meet your clients’ needs.
  • High return customers - The healthcare industry tends to have a higher return customer rate than other industries. For example, a patient may return to a dental clinic many times over their life if they are satisfied with the services. This means healthcare businesses have the opportunity for higher return on investment when using digital marketing strategies.
  • Trust is essential - Many customers searching for a health provider are anxious and looking for reliable information. This means healthcare providers need to build trust and credibility with their audience. When people feel safe and understood they are more likely to choose you over competitors.
  • Authority matters - The healthcare industry provides services which can affect our lives significantly, whether that’s dental, mental health or cosmetic services. Information needs to be professional, factual and trustworthy. That’s why building your authority in the industry is a key part of marketing your business.

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