City Subaru

City Subaru is a long-standing Subaru dealership focused on outstanding customer service, reliability, and helping people find their right-fit cars.

Their goal was to become Perth’s #1 Subaru dealership - and that’s why they turned to digital. As a long-time client of Dilate’s they’ve been working closely with us to grow their leads more efficiently.

City Subaru Results
City Subaru Background Image
City Subaru - Project Overview

Their Chellenge

City Subaru is a local family-owned and run dealership specialising in next level customer service. Selling new and used cars, as well as genuine Subaru parts and accessories, they were searching for a way to showcase their high quality product and services to the people of Perth. But they faced three problems:

  • Their physical location - not being on the main thoroughfare
  • High competition with other Subaru dealerships
  • A lack of market awareness

Our mission was to figure out how to reach their potential customers at every stage of the funnel, getting them front of mind and positioning City Subaru ahead of other Subaru dealers.

The Solution

We pulled together a strategy that tackled the full-length of the funnel from research to post-purchase through a variety of digital channels. We used SEO to improve City Subaru’s organic reach and get them ranking. We launched paid advertising campaigns on Google and Facebook to get City Subaru front of mind for potential customers. And we used an email campaign to nurture relationships with existing customers, as well as those who were lower down the sales funnel.

City-Subaru The Solution
City Subaru Results
Phone Results


  • 6x organic traffic growth over 4 years

    We got to the top of searches car comparisons, trade-invaluations, reviews and more.

  • CPA down by 75% since campaign launch

    Google and Facebook ads worked hand-in-hand to target potential customers, and worked to convert higher value leaders, leveraging the foundation we lay through SEO.

  • An engaged and nurtured customer-base

    Emails were used for both consideration and post-purchase, keeping City Subaru top of mind, upselling new add ons and services.

  • Number one for “Subaru Perth”

    A huge increase in traffic, propelling City Subaru to the top of search results pages.

Subaru Car Sarah and Jake
Team Training Session Website to the next level Subaru

Take your marketing
to the next level

Digital marketing has helped City Subaru achieve growth at a scale traditional marketing could not match, reaching more people for a much lower cost and efficiently closing the loop on the whole funnel. It’s allowed them to position themselves as a leading brand, setting themselves apart from more traditional dealerships and providing personalised messaging to each customer type. Want to see these kinds of results for your business? Chat to the experts and find out how digital marketing can work for you.

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Our approach to becoming Australia's most respected agency.

Our approach to becoming Australia's most respected agency.

Bodie provides some insight into Dilate's internal operations. How we approach what we do, and how we strive to be Better Everyday.


    Let's Talk

    Leave your details below or give us a call on 1800 345 283 and let's chat about your goals, and how we can help grow your business.

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      Leave your details below or give us a call on 1800 345 283 and let's chat about your goals, and how we can help grow your business.

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