Harvest Tours

A family owned business in Margaret River, Harvest Tours offer bus tours through the idyllic Margaret River Wine Region. They’ve built a reputation for local, authentic and friendly tours offering a deep insight into the local culture, community and history that visitors to the region just can’t get enough of.

Harvest Tours Background Image

The Big Problem

Prior to the pandemic, Harvest Tours’ primary form of marketing was word of mouth, and through third party booking apps like Rezdy. With regular busy seasons and no shortage of visitors to the region, the commission fee from those 3rd party agents was a small price to pay.

When the pandemic arrived though, everything changed. With less visitors than ever before, including none at all from overseas, competition grew incredibly tough. Harvest Tours came to us to not only increase their visibility online, but also to fill seats directly—rather than through booking agents.


Our Solution

The market for people interested in booking a tour was the smallest it had ever been. To get the most value for Harvest Tours, our solution was a double-pronged approach. Get in front of everyone actively looking to book a tour, and get in front of anyone even thinking about visiting the region.

For that reason, we opted for an organic approach. Google levels the playing field, and through SEO we could compete with and win against preferred tour providers. We started by optimising Harvest Tour’s website for high intent, bottom of the funnel keywords to drive immediate conversions, and began creating content to target long-tail, lesser intent keywords moire generally around the Margaret River Region itself.

what we did


The power of digital

Harvest Tours wanted more bookings and greater brand awareness, which we’ve helped them achieve, but the results won’t stop there.

As we said, SEO is a long term process. It’s an investment, one that requires ongoing care to get ahead and stay there. At Dilate, we’ve got a focus on sustainable brand awareness – making sure businesses like Harvest Tours are set up to keep on growing bigger and better every year.

With a focus on the right opportunities, user-oriented design and compelling content creation, Harvest Tours has been able to expand beyond word of mouth marketing and pull in a wider range of customers. It also means they are top of mind for the peak season, to help them continue to stand out even amongst the saturation of advertising.

All this SEO work we have done with Harvest Tours also lays the groundwork for future digital advertising. For example, if they wanted to start running PPC ads on Google or Facebook, having an optimised website will reduce cost per click, making the ads cheaper and more effective.

We’re over the moon to have seen amazing results with Harvest Tours since December 2020, and we look forward to all that’s to come.


Want your business to thrive? Chat to the experts.

Get your business to the next level and see bookings rocket up with carefully planned paid ads campaigns across Google, Facebook and more! As proud Facebook and Google Premier Partners, we’ve got the experience, knowledge and expert access to get you the best result.

To get started, jump on a call with us today on or send through an enquiry.

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