Pure Running

Pure Running Background Image

The Big Problem

  • Pure Running came to Dilate as a small husband and wife passion project with little time to work on the business.
  • When they came to us, they were using a Google Ads Express account with broad match keywords for the entire campaign.
  • They were utilising an underoptimised campaign and wasting a lot of money in the process.

Like most small businesses, finding the time to grow the business is always difficult. That’s why they reached out to the team at Dilate to help them scale their passion project into a well developed business.

our solutions Pure Running

Our Solution

Our goal was to make sure they were getting a much better return on investment on their Google Ads campaigns, making sure that they could justify the money they were putting into this channel.

With a full digital strategy laid out on the table, we went to work on building laser targeted ads for people who wanted different running products. Given the seasonality of the product range, we were careful to push certain products at different times of the year, to ensure they could maintain their profitability throughout all months of the year.

By working very closely with the client, we pulled together a strategy that would holistically tackle the full-length of the funnel from research to post-purchase through a variety of digital channels from Search Engine Optimisation to Paid Advertising.

how we helped

The results Pure Running

The power of digital

Digital marketing has helped Pure Running achieve growth at a scale traditional marketing could not match, reaching more people for a much lower cost and efficiently closing the loop on the whole funnel. It’s allowed them to position themselves as a leading specialist brand in the running supplies space, setting themselves apart from more traditional stores out there on the market.

As a client that started with one service and moved into a full service account, we’re super keen to see what other avenues we can explore to help push their growth to new heights.

Pure Running Quoate Mark

“Chris, Charlie and the team at Dilate have been amazing in creating an all-rounded strategy that included both a solid SEO plan and targeted paid advertising. They’re always happy to accommodate when we add new products to the website and fold them into the existing strategy. We have seen very good ROI and Dilate has been very responsive to any feedback or comments adjusting our campaign to deliver even better results.”

Director & Founder


Want your business to thrive? Chat to the experts.

Get your business to the next level and see bookings rocket up with carefully planned paid ads campaigns across Google, Facebook and more! As proud Facebook and Google Premier Partners, we’ve got the experience, knowledge and expert access to get you the best result.

To get started, jump on a call with us today on or send through an enquiry.

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