The Jerky Co

The Jerky Co. produces the best beef jerky and air-dried meat products in Australia.

our work The Jerky Co
The Jerky Co Background Image
the big problem The Jerky Co

The Big Problem

With 17 kiosk locations throughout Western Australia, and a high quality product, The Jerky Co. already had a strong brand presence in store and is well loved by many jerky aficionados Australia-wide.

The Jerky Co. approached Dilate in the hopes of growing their online presence and e-commerce results. Despite the brand growing over the past few years, their online presence was impacted by the iOS14 changes.

Our goal was to match The Jerky Co.’s website and online performance to the strong brand name they had already established. Their Facebook ads were already performing well, so our aim was to also maximise results on Google search as well.

Our team of switched on specialists helped to achieve this, driving a strong digital marketing strategy, and maximising the scale of the brand in the process.


Our Solution

Our solution to their problem came through in our PPC and SEO campaigns.

Firstly, we built out a laser focused Google Search campaign. We were always keeping a close eye on performance and adjusted our bidding strategy and keywords accordingly.

Making sure that we had a deep understanding of the business and knowing how much money we could spend per conversion per campaign.

Our work also consisted of smart scaling of the account. By steadily scaling the budget we were helping them to get a greater return on their investment.

On the SEO side of things, we pushed particularly hard on more generic ‘beef jerky’ and ‘beef biltong’ terms, which boosted organic traffic and overall conversions. Ranking on the first page was also helping to increase our brand presence online, keeping the brand at the top of mind when someone sees an ad or walks past a store in-person.

Consistent and transparent reporting on both of these campaigns was crucial in helping us to scale the account and help the business to regularly smash online sales targets.

how we helped


The power of digital

Digital marketing has helped The Jerky Co. achieve growth at a scale traditional marketing could not match, reaching more people for a much lower cost and efficiently closing the loop on the whole funnel.

It’s allowed them to position themselves as the leading brand for beef jerky in Australia, setting themselves apart from competitors and providing personalised messaging to each customer type.

As an exciting Western Australian brand, we’re really proud of the success they’ve seen. Here’s to many more years supporting The Jerky Co.!

The Jerky Co Quoate Mark

“As we faced the onset of the iOS Changes with Apple vs Facebook and the effects that would have on our social media campaigns we were looking for new avenues to advertise in. That’s when we got in touch with Dilate, and we are so glad we did… when we did!

Dilate was very helpful in creating an all-rounded strategy to tackle Google head on, which included a solid SEO plan. They have also helped us move the website onto a new platform, ensuring that we maintain the SEO from the previous site, and further building on the last few months. We have seen a very good ROI and Dilate has been very responsive to any feedback or comments adjusting our campaign to deliver even better results.”

Chris Terpsis
The Jerky Co | Marketing & Brand Manager


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Our approach to becoming Australia's most respected agency.

Our approach to becoming Australia's most respected agency.

Bodie provides some insight into Dilate's internal operations. How we approach what we do, and how we strive to be Better Everyday.


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